Wednesday, April 3, 2019

To grow, you need to move out from your comfort zone

While you might think you’re challenging yourself and moving toward your goals, you could be confusing daily frustrations and roadblocks for actual growth.

Our worlds shrink or expand based on our willingness to do things outside of our comfort zone. While this growth can feel uncomfortable, it often is what’s needed to propel you forward.

Identify one project that is high value to your organization and find a way to proactively put it into your day-to-day task list. Make sure you prioritize it over less-significant work.

Pick a goal that you don’t totally know how to accomplish, commit to it, and watch your abilities and confidence grow as you work towards it.

Comfort zones are sneaky because they feel, well, comfortable. Obviously, I’m not suggesting you push yourself to do scary, uncomfortable things every moment of every day. But I will encourage you to add some productive discomfort to your routine. When you push outside of your comfort zone, you’ll know that you’re doing more than just busy work. You’ll be actively growing your skills, your confidence, and your career.